New-Tech 2022
New-Tech 2022

1Vision invites you to visit us at Tel-Aviv New-Tech Show 2022 May 24-25, EXPO Tel Aviv, Booth #38
1Vision will demonstrate a variety of products and applications: 3D Cameras, Smart Cameras, MIPI/CSI-2 Cameras, Industrial Cameras, Optics, Illumination, Frame Grabbers, Lighting Controllers and Lens Controllers, AI Applications and Machine Vision Automated Solutions combined with Cobot/Robot.
The following demonstration was presented on the new-tech show:
ABB 6-axis industrial robot organizing elements on a conveyor belt. It holds the elements in front of a DataSensing P11 smart camera for detection and inspection of the element type.
Photoneo 3D camera (MotionCam-3D S) mounted on a collaborative robot (COBOT) DOBOT CR5, hovering over several objects. By using PhoxiControl software, we capture cloud of points data for building a full 3D model of the objects. Together with the Pekat Vision deep learning software we gain a full 3D inspection application.
A camera with liquid lens with high-speed auto-focus mechanism - allows fast changes of working distance and object inspection. The system components include:
- The Imaging Source DFK 33GV024 camera (752x480 at 100Hz)
- VS Technology 16 mm lens with Optotune liquid lens
- Gardasoft lens controller TR-CL180 and
- light controller RC120Ring light GL-DR5028-W-24
- The imaging source FPD-LINK III camera (DMK 36CR0234-I67) based on a sensor with MIPI/CSI-2 output is captured t an NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX, running an AI application on the embedded GPU.
Datalogic 2D barcode readers (MATRIX 300) verifies small and fast moving QR codes. Multiple synchronized readers are used.A Datalogic contrast sensors, TL46, for print registration mark detection.
High performance Pulse / Strobe illumination Controllers. LED Lighting displaying a wide range of geometries and wavelengths:
Gardasoft 8/4 channels illumination controller RT820F-20, RT420-20
Gardasoft single channel illumination controller rc120
Metaphase Exolight ISO-14-W-24Z
Metaphase Flat dome MB-OBL6x6W-24-X
Metaphase Dome MB-DL306-W-24
Metaphase spotlight washdown illuminationn FR-SL205-W
VS-Technology Bar VL-B08020W-SQ4C
3A Mechatronic Shadowless Square GL-FPQ4848W-24
3A Mechatronic High power Direct Ring Light GLDRC7035W
3A Mechatronic Bar GL-DB11020B-24, Bar GL-DB16020W-24
3A Mechatronic thin Backlight ADM6060W-24
3A Mechatronic Shadow-less ring light GL-PR6739G-24
Gardasoft Machine Vision Timing Controller CC320 - Synchronizing the illumination at microseconds resolution.